Tuesday 3 April 2007

An Englishman's Home....

If the gas works or factory containing explosive material next door to me was on fire, I'd probably be quite grateful to whoever knocked on my door and told me. And if they suggested I'd be safer somewhere a bit further away then I'd like to think I'd agree, grab my coat and make big steps down the road.

It's really interesting (and sometimes frustrating) to see the reaction you get when you try to evacuate somebody because of a suspect device, fire or gas leak etc. To be fair, most people do thank you for making the effort and leave as quickly as possible.

However, not everybody is quite so cooperative.

You get the person who just hates the Police, opens the door, sees the uniform, mumbles "Piss off" then slams it shut and gets back to watching the football. Oblivious to their impending death. In the interests of decency you have to knock again to try an explain. But if they answer the door a second time with "I thought I told you to piss off! What do you want?" then you'll have to forgive me if it crosses my mind to say, "Er, nothing. Just thought I'd say hi. I'll be off then".

Or the really stubborn person who says, "I know you mean well, but Jerry couldn't budge me so some little fire's not going to be able to. Now, would you like a cup of tea?" "Er, no thanks. Your house is on fire. And your Yorkshire Terrier appears to be suffering from smoke inhilation."

Actually, they're not as frustrating as the person who agrees that they need to get moving but who just has to grab "a few bits" before they come. And then they start loading up the car like a refugee fleeing a war zone. You have to say to them, "Look, could we hurry this up please? That building over there could blow up at any time and I'm not even on overtime".

And then you get the daft (but somehow really endearing) questions. But I'll save them for another time...

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