Thursday, 21 June 2007

Quick Update

Very quickly, I got a reply to the nasty email I sent.

I was told to "tow the party line".

That's me told then.


Sergeant Simon said...

did you reply in a suitably sarcastic manner and point out the spelling error? Toe the line, darlings, not tow it. We don't drag it around with us. Although metaphorically speaking we may do. Or you do. (as in they do, not you do.......... oh dammit you know what I mean. probably)

I'm going for a lie down

Twining says: said...

Ah then you better go to my blog and note point 10 about understanding the mantra of challening organisations!

Anonymous said...

Question is, whos party are we??

dickiebo said...

Yes but - tow it where?

Unknown said...

You guys are funny

Omega Mum said...

I was going to do the tow it where line, too. But I'm sure you've got lots of entertaining suggestions.

The Thin Blue Line said...

In the words of the great philosopher, Jim Royal, My Arse!!!

Anonymous said...

Never mind My Arse!! More like a load of old arse!!!!

Minty said...

Well fancy letting your officers go creating work for the Excel queen. She's busy- she has brightly coloured pie charts to make. And party lines to tow.
Tsk tsk. You'll go cluttering up the cells with criminals next.

Roses said...

Ah! I think I solved Twining's riddle! Your excel queen is his arse!

Whichendbites said...

Better than towing a caravan. Better than promoting the brand ?

Teifion said...

Have you considered Hauling it instead? Of course, a quick look at shows us that you could do many other things too :D

Twining says: said...

OK Roses it was a riddle! I just couldn't say it the way you did. Maybe the excel queen is an arse. But my freind thin blue line and me, I am afraid, we are donkeys. We do the work, we smile, and then we kick their butts. Even UNPC is the same. We kick butts of the excel queen and others! They might think we're like an ass, as in stubborn, but as in Shrek 3, we're the heroes!

thinblueline said...

which line are we toeing this week? . or is it the new one gordo brown will be setting us...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like: that's you finished, then...

Anonymous said...

My sympathies - just had similar response to missive I sent too - I throw shoes at walls and that seems to help a bit (well, it's better than beating head against them)

Perhaps you should have sent a genuine-sounding email thanking civvy for all her hard work in pointing out how pro-active your officer had been and how you have passed on the heartfelt congratulations of his senior officers to said officer. See how long you can keep up the pretence of non-comprehension that it was actually a complaint.

Roses said...

When you've finished towing the party line, will you come back and blog?

Minty said...

Hope you are holiday somewher fantastic... or earning enough overtime for a fantastic holiday.
Your very quiet....

BelfastPeeler said...

Not only would this increase the amount of producers I issued but I'd be handing out VDRS forms like Christmas cards and be recommending THAT enquiry officer's station for them to produce at.

Oh it makes me rankle just thinking about it.

The Phantom Policeman said...

There's going to be a party? Where? I didn't think anyone over Inspector rank could organise a piss up in a brewery.....

Anonymous said...

does your absence mean you have toed the line????

Anonymous said...

I am now JUST over 65yrs of age,I have never in my life met a bad bobby. Maybe I am just lucky!! But I doubt it, the police have a very hard job to do and it has been made worse my the do gooders,who think the bastards who ruin everyone elses lives are the ones who are hard done to. God give us back SOME of the good old days, lets have respect for the law and other people. Let the police patrol the streets like they used to do instead of being tied up at the station with paperwork. Give us back some sanity and safety. To all you police, well done for what you are trying to do in the face of all the shit that is forced on you by the government of this now very sorry country. Keep safe and thank you for what you try to do.

Anonymous said...

Where are you Wee Man? Hope all is well :)

Anonymous said...

have you seen the website

Its a supt in UK and is very good as well.

Regards and best wishes

Dave (DS in Slough)

chunkybetty said...

Regarding emails ... I'd really appreciate your help, since you're on the subject -- yes it's more paperwork but it's a chance to vent, really. Please visit me at Thanks

chunkybetty said...

Ps, it's not like the daft policesuper thing above, that is b***cks, this isn't. I'm just a student and not at all connected with the SMT and their kind. I hear what it's like for you guys from Chunky all the time and I don't envy you, but I know there are communication issues so I'm just trying to find out about them.

